“Revolutionizing Precision Joining: Green Laser Welding”

In the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing and precision engineering, innovation is the key to achieving higher levels of efficiency, precision, and quality. One such groundbreaking advancement in the…

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10 Reasons to use Laser Welding

With so many ways to join materials, here are our top 10 reasons to use laser welding. 1. Laser welding works with a variety of materials Laser welding can be used to join a variety of metals, including stainless…

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Laser Welding Firearms

Laser welding firearms might be new, but firearms manufacturing in New England is something of a tradition. In 1777, George Washington chose Springfield, MA to be our budding nation’s first arsenal. Headquartered in…

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Laser Welding Advantages Over Competing Methods

Laser welding is one of several methods available for joining metals. So, how exactly does it work? Simply put, it uses concentrated light-based energy to melt and fuse certain materials, typically metal to metal, both…

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Laser Welding for EV Battery Assemblies

Automobile OEMs can benefit by using laser welding for EV battery assemblies. In this article, we’ll explore EV trends, and how laser welding supports the latest battery innovations. Innovation and demand fueling…

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Laser Welding Services for Firearms Exhibited at SHOT Show 2022

Joining Technologies exhibited its laser welding services for firearms at the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event hosts not only firearms manufacturers, suppliers, and…

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Weld tolerances and thickness

Welding tolerances come in many forms, and there's one factor in particular that can wreak havoc on a qualified process. Thickness refers to tolerance of the cross section of the material at the point of welding.…

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Weld cracks: a lesson in the delicacies of metallurgy

One of the many interesting parts of this job is the detective work involved when a part isn’t welding properly. Roughly six months ago I was tasked with my first major metallurgical engineering project, which showed…

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Soldering: not all flux is created equal

This image shows a part with corrosion (top) and without (bottom). A recent issue with a soldering process for a customer has been the focus of our attention here at Joining Technologies for quite some time.…

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Joint design for welding: the pros and cons of groove joints

After you’ve selected the right material for your welding project, the next important consideration is joint design. We’ll be taking a look at the different types of joints and briefly discussing the pros and cons of…

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